Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Treasure and Caesar

Treasure Island was amazing! I could not put it down, I now know who it was that most modern pirates are modeled after, Long-John Silver. He was the best character, even though he was mostly the bad guy, and he might have been a little crazy, but he was still awesome.

This week's book is not the adventure that last week's book was, but it is still great. It is Julius Caesar. I really like it so far. :)

"Beware the ides of March"

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Holmes, and a Strange Extra

I finished The Hound of the Baskervilles a little late but not too late. I really liked it. Sherlock Holmes is such a interesting character, and Watson was not as cool as he is in the new movies (really, who can beat Jude Law?) but he was a good character too.

On Monday I picked up a strange looking book that my younger brother had read for school. It was called The Phantom Tollbooth, It was very weird, but I loved it. If you take Alice in Wonderland, and replace Alice with a boy named Milo, you have The Phantom Tollbooth. The writer was a genius with words, It was a completely literal world. For example Milo gets to the Island of conclusions by jumping, he meets "that awful DYNNE" (say aloud), and he rescues Rhyme and Reason. If you have not read it, please do. :)

This week its Treasure Island. I hope I enjoy it!

Monday, March 12, 2012


I have now started my first ever Sherlock Holmes book! I am exited because I really like mystery stories.

I have seen the Holmes movies and I love them all. I know they are not accurate to the books but I am hoping that does not mean I wont like the books. Anyway I am hoping for a good reading week! :)

I still have not finished A Tale of Two Cities, but I will this week.

Happy Monday! :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thumbs Up!

Well I really enjoyed Tom Sawyer! It was well written, funny, it had likable characters, and a good story. If you have never read this book, I highly suggest that you read it now.

Next week will be my first ever experience with Mr. Sherlock Holmes! The Hound of the Baskervilles, and I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tom Sawyer

I have never read many American classics, the few I did read I didn't like much. Tom Sawyer seems so far to be something I might enjoy. I am not far through it yet but it is pretty good! :)

The only problem with it is the language. The writer will use very large words and writes very well with perfect grammar. But every single time one of the characters starts to speak I get confused because they all use bad grammar. Reading the book disorients you a little when you first start it.

Along with Tom Sawyer this week I am still reading A Tale Of Two Cities. It is very good so far. I've only read a few Dickens but this one I think will be my overall favorite.

I'm still adding new books, does anyone have any suggestions for my list? Thanks!