Monday, February 27, 2012

More Like a Book a Day

Well I finished Pinocchio in about two hours. Cool! :) I enjoyed the book, the writer Collodi was both clever and funny. I especially liked this little section in the first chapter.

 "Good morning, Antonio," said Gepetto, "what are you doing on the ground?"
 "I am teaching the ants to read."
 "May it do you good!"
 "What has brought you here, friend Gepetto?" asked the other in his turn.
 "My legs. But I would like to ask a favor of you..."

I certainly enjoyed Pinocchio.

Anyway, in other news. One of my school subjects is requiering me to read A Tale Of Two Cities, by Dickens. I have never read  much of his work but I have wanted to read this one so I will get back to you on my thoughts about it. I also finished Macbeth! I think I have already said that but just in case I will say it here. ;)

Finished My First of Chaucer

I read six of Chaucer's tales last week, and I really enjoyed them! I read, The Knights Tale, The Nun's Priest's Tale, The Pardoner's Tale, and The Wife of Bath's Tale, along with the prologue of the book. I think my favorite was The Pardoner's Tale. I just liked the overall idea of how you can never trust men with evil plans, especially if you're one of them.

This week will be a book that I am sure that you all have heard of, Pinocchio. I mean who has never heard of that story? I have of course seen the movie, and now I shall read the book. I am not sure whether I will like it or not, but we will see.

Along with Pinocchio this week, I am also going to be reading A Voice In The Wind, by Francine Rivers. Me and my friend (who also loves to read) traded books this week. That just means that I have a book that I really want her to read and she has one for me so we switched books. I have never read a book by Francine Rivers but I think it will go well.

Monday, February 20, 2012

King Arthur

So I finished the Age of Chivalry, It was better than some other early England books I've read but I still don't really like King Arthur stories. I'm not really sure why but I don't, the only way I can enjoy them is if they have very little parts about King Arthur and no parts about Sir Launcelot or Queen Guinevere, those last two I just can't stand.

Anyway, this week's book is goung to be The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. I will only be reading a few of the poems that were picked by mom. I hope I'm going to enjoy this book, I have already read the prologue and it was interesting so I feel good about this one.

I other news, I finished Macbeth, and I loved it! My favorite character was Macduff, and my favorite line was, "Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air." That was said by three witches in the first Act and it was really cool.

Happy Reading!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sadly I'm All Done With That Series

I finished The Return of the King! It was so good, it is on my favorite book's list! It was so much better than the movie, more detail, more characters, and a way better ending.

Next week I am going to be starting The Age of Chivalry by Bullfinch. I don't know much about this book,  I think it's a King Arthur story. I never much liked reading about him, his stories always have tragic endings which I hardly ever like. I will give this book a try though and see where it leads.

On the side, I have started a book that I bought around Christmas. Apparently it's not worthy enough to be put on my official list because its a Christian/mystery/romance novel by one of my favorite authors, Gilbert Morris. His books are all called fluff by my more classic loving sister (who once started one and  never finished it because it was so silly to her) but I have really been wanting to start it, so the poor Age of Chivalry will not be the only book in my life right now.

Happy Reading! :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Head Start

Last week since I finished Undine so quickly, I started the Return of the King. It is such a long book that half a week later I am not even half way through it. So I am glad I got such a good head start! :)

I am really enjoying The Lord of the Rings series. They are different from the movies (which I saw first) but I still like them. The final book has to be the one that Hollywood changed the most. The book and the movie are technically not even the same story. I like both versions, but reading the book is nice because I truly have no idea what is going to happen next.

Though I have to say that the actor's and actresses that were picked for the movies fit perfectly.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


This morning I was walking around our house looking at each of our bookshelves (we have a lot) and adding more titles to my reading list. I now have enough book to take me to the next school year but I was wondering If I have missed any good stories.

If anyone knows a really good book please comment with the name of the book and the author's name, It does not even have to be a classic, just any book that you think should be read would be great.

Thanks! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Easy Read!

Yesterday I finished the Two Towers, so I started Undine that night. I finished it in about a hour and a half. It was not only a short book, but also a really fast read.

I thought it was very well written and a interesting read, but I did not like it. I did not like any of the characters, and I did not like the story. I thought it could have ended much better. I really want to say why I did not like it but some of you might be planning to read it so I won't ruin it, unless people in the comments section beg me to but I doubt that. ;)

Since I finished Undine so quickly I started the next book on my list, The Return of the King. Yay!

And who else is looking forward to the new movie the Hobbit?

From Rings to Mermaids

Alright, I sadly finished the Two Towers two days late but I absolutely loved everything about it! It was just so good, J.R.R Tolkien is a fantastic writer.

I said before in an earlier post that I saw the movies first. Well I never knew how much the movies changed the story, It's crazy what they changed. I was surprised in different parts of the story because things were not happening the way I thought they were going to happen. I sort of understand why they changed some things but others I do not.

Both versions of the story are great but I can't decide which I like better.

Now I'm starting Undine by Fouque. It is about a mermaid or water sprite, and is a European classic. That is all I know but I have heard that it is really good so, happy reading! :)