Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Odyssey Thoughts

Well I am already to chapter 5 of the "Odyssey" and so far it is not like anything I have ever read. It is more poetic than any of the modern books today, and it flows differently than books that I have read before. I especially like how whenever Homer writes that morning had come he writes, "When the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared" Even though that sentence gets very repetitive, it does not make the book boring it just makes me want to laugh at the strangeness of the sentence.

So far I like it. Though while reading the "Odyssey" it comes in handy to have a list of the names of all the characters in the book because while reading it I mix up Amphimedon, and Amphinomus.

One of the best things about reading the "Odyssey" is that we have an older, hard-backed, yellow-ish paged, and awesome looking copy. This makes it all the more fun to read. There is something different about reading a new addition, clean, and unwrinkled copy of a book, than reading the older copy that looks like it has been picked up many times to be read again.

Reading a book that looks fresh off the store's shelf makes me scared to open it too wide, so when I read a wrinkled copy I feel more relaxed.  

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